Thursday, March 5, 2020

?? 6 Challenges Tutors Face (And How to Overcome Them)

?? 6 Challenges Tutors Face (And How to Overcome Them) 6 Challenges Tutors Face (And How to Overcome Them) Tutoring can be a challenging job. However, if a tutor understands the challenges they may face, overcoming each hurdle gets so much easier.Every student arrives at tutoring sessions with some prior knowledge, experience, and skills. It's thetutor's job to find out what the student already knows and which skills he or she needs to develop tomeet their academic goals.Unfortunately, the process is far from seamless, as tutors may face many different problems.Here are 6 most common challenges tutors face and tips to help you overcome them and create alearning environment that brings the very best results for students.1. Lack of motivationTutoring is usually about studying on top of full-time studying. For many children, that may be justtoo much. It's not easy for them to motivate themselves and make acquiring new knowledge fun.However, it is the responsibility of the educator to motivate the student to learn.One way to motivate a student is to learn about their interests outside of the classroom. Once youknow what your pupil likes, you can apply their interests to the learning process. It's smart toprovide real-world situations that translate the learning content to the topic the student is interestedin.For example, if your student is interested in drawing, you can ask them to visualize an area ofknowledge you are studying in the form of a short comic or a beautiful mind map.This is also where parents can help by communicating with the tutor and letting them know whattheir child's interests are.2. Stress and anxietyIt's likely that students who enter tutoring sessions have experienced a problem with learning in atraditional classroom setting. Their parents might be putting additional pressure on the student tomake the most of their time during tutoring.These students feel that they are coming to a tutor because of their failure. If they associate learningwith failure, they will never consider it as improving their potential for success. That's why tutorsfirst need to understand the student's learning style fully. Connecting learning and adventure is asmart move. It's critical that anxious or stressed students approach their work with a sense ofexcitement.Tutors should experiment with various methods that align with the individual needs of the student.This is easier in a one-to- one setting. If you don't see any progress, you can quickly adjust yourinstruction style. As you become more knowledgeable about your student#39;s needs, you will be ableto anticipate problems in the existing knowledge and address them as soon as possible.3. Bad behaviourAll teachers have encountered students with bad behaviour at least once in their career.Tutoringsessions usually offer an opportunity to get a closer look at the student and anticipate theirproblems.For example, if your student has a troubled home life and tends to act out in class, you will need toadjust your instruction style to contain the bad behaviour and channel the negative energy intopositive learning.Remember that every student will require a unique approach. That's why tutors should first reachout to parents. They are the best resource to improving student behaviour By communicating withparents, you will be better prepared for carrying out your tutoring session.4. LazinessSometimes tutors work with students who just don't deliver any work. What happens is that theylack the mental hooks or drive for learning and understanding.If you're dealing with a student who ended up in tutoring because of laziness or other problems thatprevent them from delivering work, you need to focus on building on their prior knowledge andskill set. Individualisedlearning is the answer here.Since you're dealing with a single student, you have all the time to decide what approach will workbest. Sometimes, tutors find the best mental hooks to come as a rewards or incentives forcompleting assignments. The prizes can be given in fun educational games in which students canparticipate once they fini sh their work. The objective is to use these methods to kick-start the properbehaviour Eventually, the student will get a sense of accomplishment, and that will become thereward in itself.When tutoring a student who doesn't want to complete their work, the best thing you can do is toshow enthusiasm for their progress every day.5. Problems in acquiring new knowledgeYou might be dealing with a student who needs extra time to practice and master new knowledgebefore using it as a building block for further learning. If you are teaching a new idea, the best wayto introduce that type of knowledge is through educational games. These will provide anenvironment for students to practice skills and learn new things. The students will not only learn anew concept or skill but also have a way to practice it instantly.6. Pressuring parentsWhen it comes to learning, parents are always part of the process. Dealing with high-pressureparents is challenging for every tutor.Sometimes children of high-pr essure parents focus so hard on getting the perfect score that they failto understand the concepts that are being taught. As a result, their knowledge retention suffers, andtheir level of anxiety rises, especially when students struggle with a topic.Tutors are there to teach students that lack of perfection at the beginning isn't a failure. In fact,tutors should encourage students to experiment and not be afraid of getting a wrong answer.How to deal with high-pressure parents? It's important to maintain open communication about theprogress of the student and the activities you carried out to facilitate help. This will allow parents tofeel more in control. Sometimes it's a good idea to suggest a way for parents to help the student athome. That way, parents will feel less anxious about their child's performance and lessen thepressure they put on the child.All in all, tutoring is about solid support and encouragement for learning.As a tutor, it's your job to keep the students focused o n their accomplishments to help them gainconfidence, tackle more complex tasks, and move through their education path swiftly.Author's Bio:With her unquenchable love for writing, Sienna Walker works as a careers and business blogger.Deeply interested in self-growth and education, Sienna is oftenfound sharing her tips with students, teachers, job-seekers and employers alike, supporting DirectorStats.

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