Friday, February 7, 2020

Definition of Internal Energy in Chemistry

Definition of Internal Energy in ChemistryInternal energy is defined as the fundamental forces, constants and entropy of a system. These forces can be described by the three physical forces: electromagnetism, nuclear force, and gravity. These forces are independent and exist in all objects. They work together to define the behavior of an object.The classical definition of internal energy is that energy can be transferred from one substance to another. It is not the energy itself but its interaction with some other physical object or process that determines whether a transfer occurs. In this case, it can be considered as one form of entropy. A system that is continuously exchanging energy to a new system would be referred to as a thermodynamic process.The energy change in a process can be caused by internal energy, heat, chemical change, or changes in temperature. The energy is lost when one substance absorbs the energy of another. To define the internal energy, a process must start w ith the formation of heat or chemical change before it can result in energy being released to a new system.There are three important examples of processes that produce internal energy. These include oxidation, reduction, and fusion.Oxidation is the conversion of an element to another element. It is a molecular bonding process where two atoms combine with each other. Most often the fuel used for oxidation is carbon dioxide, which is known as the human 'breath of life'.Oxidation usually occurs with the use of oxygen, hydrogen, or nitrogen to form more complex compounds. By examining the molecules, you can learn what reaction to expect with this process. Many of the compounds that are oxidized by this process contain carbon and are very common in the atmosphere. The reaction that produces oxygen is called oxygenation.The reactions that produce chemical energy can also be converted to be another chemical entity. This process, known as decomposition, creates a different chemical structur e that results in a completely different chemical entity. Carbon is the chemical product of decomposition and it is oxidized. This process is known as Carbon Compaction. When there is enough energy in the original chemical bond, it will undergo a reaction with another gas in the process.

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